Supplier Information

Supplier Workday Access

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Become a Supplier

Please consider collecting all applicable information, forms, documents, and any other required items that you will need to have on-hand prior to beginning the online vendor registration process. 

Required Information

1) Federal Tax ID Number

2) Completed and signed W9 form

3) Copy of Certified Business Enterprise (CBE) IF claiming Florida Certified Women/Minority/Veteran-owned business status

4) Banking Information (name of financial institution, account number, routing number)

5) Certificate of Insurance naming The District Board of Trustees of Tallahassee State College the additionally insured/certificate holder 

6) Human Trafficking Affidavit FS 787.06. Human Traffic Affidavit

If you are certain that you and/or your business entity will be transacting business with Tallahassee State College and receiving payment, the full registration process will be required.  

Purchasing Authority

Only the College’s Purchasing Department can purchase goods and services or commit TSC to payment for goods and services. This includes all contact with Suppliers regarding price, delivery, quantity requirements, or other matters of a contractual nature.

College employees may solicit quotations from suppliers, but may NOT order goods or services, reserve items, services, or dates when a financial commitment is required, or otherwise commit TSC to the future purchase of a good or service, or future payment in the absence of a valid TSC Purchase Order issued by the TSC Purchasing Department. Unauthorized purchases may be considered personal transactions between a supplier and an employee.

Supplier Registration

In order to conduct business with TSC, Suppliers must register online via TSC’s Workday system, the College's free, secure, user-friendly online portal and one-stop service center. 

All Suppliers who wish to do business with TSC and receive payment for goods and/or services must complete the full registration process and complete all required fields in addition to uploading all required documentation.

Suppliers are cautioned NOT to provide goods and/or services without a valid TSC Purchase Order issued by the TSC Purchasing Department. Goods and/or services provided in the absence of a valid TSC Purchase Order may be returned or result in non-payment at the sole discretion of the College. All active Suppliers must provide proof of insurance and meet all of TSC’s Supplier Insurance Requirements as set forth by the College.

Supplier Insurance Requirements

During the performance of the services under this contract, contractor shall maintain the following insurance policies reflecting at least the minimum amounts and conditions as follows:

Minimum Limits:

    1. General Liability Insurance with all of the following:
      • Bodily injury limits of not less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence/$2,000,000 aggregate
      • Property damage limits of not less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence/$2,000,000 aggregate
    2. Automobile Liability Insurance with all of the following:
      • Bodily injury limits of not less than $500,000 for each person
      • Not less than $500,000 for each incident
      • Property damage limits of not less than $500,000 for each accident
    3. Workers’ Compensation Insurance in accordance with statutory requirements, as well as the following:
      • Employer’s liability insurance with limits of not less than $100,000 for each accident
      • $100,000 for each disease
      • $500,000 aggregate
  • Professional Liability, when applying for services provided, not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence/$2,000,000 aggregate


  • Policies must be written by an insurance company authorized to do business in Florida.
  • Policies other than Worker’s Compensation shall be issued only by companies authorized by maintaining certificates of authority issued to the companies by the Department of Insurance of the State of Florida to conduct business in the State of Florida and which maintain a rating of “A” or better and a Financial Size Category of “VII” or better according to the A.M. Best Company. Policies for Worker’s Compensation may be issued by companies authorized as group self-insurer by Florida Statute 440.57.
  • The College’s Purchasing Director/Risk Manager may verify ratings at A.M. Best’s website: (regarding item 1B2 above)
  • Deductible amounts shall not exceed 5% of the total amount of required insurance in each category. Should any policy contain any unusual exclusion, said exclusions shall be so indicated on the Certificate(s) of Insurance.
  • Contractor shall furnish the College Certificates of Insurance that shall include a provision that policy cancellation, non-renewal, or reduction of coverage will not be effective until at least thirty (30) days written notice has been made to the College.
  • Contractor shall include the College as an additional insured on the General Liability and Automobile Liability insurance policy required by the contract. All of the contractor’s sub-contractors shall be required to include the College and contractor as additionally insured on their General Liability insurance policies.
  • If an “ACCORD” Certificate of Liability Insurance form is used by the contractor’s insurance agent, the words “endeavor to” and “... but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the company, its agents or representatives” in the “cancellation” paragraph of the form shall be deleted.
  • The contractor shall not commence work under this contract until all insurance required as stated herein has been obtained and the College has approved such insurance.
  • “Claims made” insurance policies are not acceptable.

Supplier Instructions

Failure to follow these instructions will result in delayed payment or non-payment.

  1. The TSC Purchase Order Number must appear on all invoices, packing slips, shipping labels, and correspondence.
  2. Only ship products to the “Ship To” address indicated on the TSC Purchase Order. DO NOT ship to an alternate address.
  3. Only submit invoices to the TSC Accounts Payable Department. DO NOT submit invoices to a TSC employee in a different department. Only submit invoices to the TSC Accounts Payable Department within thirty (30) days of goods or services being delivered to the College.
  4. DO NOT exceed the total dollar amount listed on the TSC Purchase Order.
  5. Include packing slips with all shipments delivered to TSC and reference the TSC Purchase Order Number on the packing slip(s).
  6. NEVER provide goods or services in the absence of a valid TSC Purchase Order issued by the TSC Purchasing Department or an authorized TSC Procurement/Expense Card.
  7. No Substitutions: Approval from TSC is needed if an item is not available.

Procurement Requirements

For all purchases which are not exceptions to the requirement to solicit competitive offers by applicable Florida Statutes or the Florida State Board of Education's Administrative Rules, the following rules shall apply:

  • For all purchases less than or equal to $14,999, the TSC Purchasing Department requires one (1) written quote and may use its discretion to obtain more quotes if it is in the College’s best interest.
  • For all purchases between $15,000 and $64,999.99, the College shall require written quotations from at least two (2) different suppliers.
  • For all purchases greater than $65,000, the College shall, as circumstances require, publicly solicit the receipt of competitive offers.
  • All competitively‐solicited purchases less than or equal to $325,000 shall be approved or rejected by the College's President or his designee.
  • All competitively‐solicited purchases greater than $325,000 shall be approved or rejected by the TSC District Board of Trustees at their next regularly scheduled Board Meeting.
  • When the College publicly solicits for the receipt of competitive offers and only one (1) responsive offer is received, then the College may purchase such goods and/or services under the best terms it can negotiate. Threshold amounts for competitive solicitation requirements are subject to change each year by the Florida Legislature and approval of the TSC District Board of Trustees.
  • For exceptions to the bidding requirements please refer to FAC 6A 14.0734 Exemptions.

Purchase Order Terms and Conditions

By accepting a TSC Purchase Order (PO), the Supplier accepts all of the following terms and conditions: 

  1. Acceptance: The PO constitutes acceptance of your offer to sell the goods and/or services as quoted. If the Supplier refuses to accept the purchase order exactly as written, the Supplier shall return it immediately with a written explanation. Delivery of goods and/or services shall indicate acceptance of the PO.
  2. Delivery: The PO number must appear on all shipments and documents. TSC will not be responsible for any goods or services delivered without reference to the PO number. TSC assumes no liability for goods shipped to destinations other than those designated on the PO. If delivery to a destination cannot be made on or before the specified date, promptly notify TSC.
  3. Payment: Submit a separate invoice for each PO number. Invoices must be mailed or emailed to the address stated on the PO. Do not submit invoices to any other TSC department; only to the TSC Accounts Payable Department. Invoices must be received within thirty (30) days of delivery of goods or services unless otherwise specified on the PO. The college's preferred method of payment is Electronic Funds Transfer (E.F.T). Please send all Invoices to Accounts Payable - within 30 days.
  4. Extra Charges: No extra charges are permitted for boxing, crating, packing, insurance, transportation, assembling, in-place installation, etc., unless otherwise specified on the PO or in concurrence with the Supplier’s quote which shall be referenced on the PO.
  5. Freight Charges: If freight charges are authorized, TSC reserves the right to require receipted transportation invoices. All shipments shall be shipping as Free On Board (F.O.B.). Destination unless otherwise stated on the PO. Transportation charges are included in the purchase price unless otherwise specified on the PO. Cash on Delivery (C.O.D.) shipments shall NOT be accepted.
  6. Payment Terms: Payment terms are net thirty (30) days after receipt of a valid Supplier invoice. Any discount period will start upon acceptance of goods/services and receipt of an accurate, valid Supplier's invoice.
  7. Receiving: TSC’s Central Receiving Warehouse is open to receive shipments from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Eastern Time, Monday through Friday. Deliveries will not be accepted on days when the College is closed; including 9 holidays, as well as Spring and Winter Breaks.
  8. Inspection & Rejection: All materials received are subject to inspection and to rejection by TSC if materials are defective or do not meet TSC’s specifications. TSC specifically reserves the right (1) to have rejected material replaced by the Supplier at the purchase price stipulated on the PO or in the contract, or (2) to return the rejected materials for full credit at the price charged plus transportation charges. TSC reserves the right to accept a part of any shipment and reject the balance, considering the contract breached to the extent of the rejected materials. TSC’s rights with respect to the rejection of materials are not waived by any failure of TSC to notify the Supplier promptly upon receipt of delivery.
  9. Change Orders: Changes to the PO are not authorized unless a Change Order is issued by TSC. Any typographical or clerical errors are subject to correction by TSC. The PO may not otherwise be modified or rescinded without TSC’s consent.
  10. Blanket Purchase Order Pricing: If the unit price is omitted on the PO, except where the PO is given in acceptance of quoted prices, it is agreed that the Supplier’s price will be the lowest prevailing market price, and in no event is the PO to be filled at higher prices than those previously quoted or charged, without TSC’s prior written consent.
  11. Safety: Any and all chemical items or toxic substances delivered against the PO must be accompanied by a Material Safety Data Sheet ("MSDS") in compliance with Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1910.1200.
  12. Failure to Perform: Failure to make delivery by or before the required delivery date stated on the PO shall constitute cause for cancellation of the PO, or any part thereof, without prejudice to its other rights. Supplier’s failure to adhere to any term or condition of the PO may result in cancellation with forty-eight (48) hours' notice. Supplier agrees that TSC may return part or all of any shipment(s) made, and may charge Supplier for any loss or expense sustained as a result of such failure to deliver.
  13. Violation: Supplier represents and warrants that no Federal laws or regulations, Florida Statutes, or municipal ordinances have been or will be violated in the manufacturing, sale, and/or delivery of any good/service sold and delivered hereunder. If such a violation has or does occur, the Supplier will indemnify and render TSC harmless from all loss, penalties, or the payment of all sums of money on account of such violation.
  14. Strict Compliance: TSC may, at any time, insist upon strict compliance with these terms and conditions, notwithstanding any previous custom, practice, or course of dealing to the contrary.
  15. Patents & Trademarks: Supplier renders TSC harmless against liability for any patent or trademark infringement that may arise from the use of any goods, items, or units covered by the PO.
  16. Warranty: By accepting the PO, the Supplier warrants that the materials furnished hereunder shall be free from latent and patent defects and in full conformity with the specifications, drawings, and/or samples. The Supplier also warrants that the materials are fit for TSC’s purpose as indicated hereof and, in any documents, attached or made a part hereof by reference if known to the Supplier. These warranties shall survive acceptance of and payment for the materials. Failure of TSC to reject any said materials shall not constitute a waiver of any of these warranties. The Supplier shall further save TSC, its customers, and any users harmless from any loss, damage, or expense whatsoever, including attorney’s fees and court costs that may be suffered by the breach of any of these warranties.
  17. Insurance: Supplier shall procure insurance in advance and maintain adequate insurance coverage at all times. Said insurance shall provide that loss if any, shall be payable to the Supplier and the District Board of Trustees of Tallahassee State College as their interests may appear.
  18. Supplier’s Proposal: The terms and conditions of sale as stated on the PO shall govern in the event of a conflict with any terms of the Supplier’s proposal, and are not subject to change by reason of any written or verbal statements made by the Supplier, or by any statement in Supplier’s acknowledgment unless accepted in writing by TSC.
  19. Contract/Agreement: When a formal contract or agreement has been entered into by TSC and Supplier, the terms and conditions included in the contract shall have a preference, and the PO is issued solely to encumber the funds and is used as a mechanism for reference and payment purposes.
  20. Assignment: The PO is not transferable or assignable by the Supplier to third parties unless acknowledged and accepted by TSC.
  21. Nondiscrimination: TSC is committed to the principle of equal opportunity for all individuals and to providing an environment free of discrimination and harassment. Decisions at TSC are made without regard to age, race, color, sex, gender, religion, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, pregnancy, sexual orientation (including gender identity), marital status, genetic information, protected veteran status or affiliations protected by laws and regulations. TSC will not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment including sexual harassment. Supplier agrees to this nondiscrimination policy and to adhere to the requirements of the ADA and all laws protecting the disabled.
  22. Human Trafficking:

Certificate of Tax Exemption and W9

Invoices and Payment

TSC values the goods and services that vendors provide and it is the goal of the Accounts Payable department to ensure that all invoices are paid promptly upon receipt of goods and services. TSC’s standard payment terms are net thirty (30) days unless otherwise stated on the purchase order or as otherwise agreed within a corresponding contract/agreement. Invoices received without the reference of a valid purchase order number will delay payment until a valid number can be linked or obtained. The College's preferred method of payment is Electronic Funds Transfer (E.F.T).

Contact TSC Accounts Payable at:

Tallahassee State College
ATTN: Accounts Payable
444 Appleyard Dr.
Tallahassee, FL 32304


The issuance of a TSC Purchase Order or the recommendation for a contract award is based upon the best value to the College. Various evaluation criteria are used in determining the best value including price, quality, availability, delivery, sustainability and energy star rating, and fitness for a particular purpose. During the evaluation of quotes, bids, proposals, replies, or other types of submittals, consideration may be given to a Supplier’s stated ability to successfully perform under the College’s purchase or contract terms and conditions as well as the Supplier’s record of past performance with the College.

Procedure for Contract Solicitation or Award Bid Protest


Supplier Diversity

Tallahassee State College ("TSC") is an equal opportunity institution dedicated to providing a nondiscriminatory environment that promotes equal access and equal opportunity to all persons regardless of race, ethnicity, color, religion national origin, age, gender, gender preference, disability, marital status, or veteran status. 

TSC works with the Florida Office of Supplier Diversity (OSD), a specialized team within the Division of State Purchasing’s Department of Management Services (DMS), to help improve business opportunities for local Florida-based, small, disadvantaged, service-disabled veteran-owned, woman-owned, and/or minority-owned business enterprises. The goal of the OSD is to increase the number of Florida Certified Business Enterprises - minority-owned (MBE), woman-owned (WBE), and Veteran-owned (VBE). OSD works with eligible business owners to process and grant their certification as well as to ensure they are informed of the benefits of certification. OSD’s certification process includes identifying and certifying eligible Florida-based small businesses by conducting thorough and effective reviews of the submitted required certification documents. The OSD team does this through the following functions:

  • assistance with applicable state certification and recertification;
  • advocacy for the continued growth and success of woman-owned, minority-owned, and/or veteran-owned businesses;
  • increase the outreach and communications of opportunities specific to unique business needs;
  • planning, hosting, and supporting Florida business events targeted to woman, veteran, and minority business owners; and
  • provide educational and other resources to state government procurement professionals to help increase the use of these businesses in state and local government procurement contracts.

For more information, OSD can be reached via telephone at (850)487-0915 or via email at The Office of Supplier Diversity is addressed in Section 287.0945, Florida Statutes, and the Florida Veteran Business Enterprise Opportunity Act is addressed in Section 295.187, Florida Statutes.

State of Florida Office of Supplier Diversity (“OSD”) Certification

Tallahassee State College is committed to providing women-owned and minority-owned business enterprises (W/MBEs) the opportunity to conduct business with the College.

The College does not have its own supplier diversity certification process; however, the following information may assist you in applying for certification:

State of Florida, Department of Management Services
Office of Supplier Diversity (OSD)
4050 Esplanade Way, Suite 380
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950
Phone: (850)487-0915
Fax: (850)922-6852

Equal Opportunity

TSC's equal opportunity, equity and diversity policies apply to all members of the College community, including students, employees, volunteers, independent contractors, visitors, and any individual regularly or temporarily employed, studying, living, visiting, conducting business, or having any official capacity at the College. Any complaint in violation of College rules, policies, and procedures will be investigated and resolved appropriately. Further, these policies also apply to conduct occurring on TSC property or at College-sanctioned events or programs that take place on off-campus sites, including study abroad and internship programs.  The College's policies do not abridge free speech rights or academic freedom.

Suppliers, contractors, and/or offerors who believe that they have been the victim of discrimination should contact:

Tallahassee State College
Attn: Renae Tolson, Equity Officer & Title IX Coordinator
Room 239 Administration Building
444 Appleyard Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32304-2895

Central Receiving Warehouse

The Central Receiving Warehouse is located on TSC's Main Campus. It is easily accessed via Merchants Court from Progress Drive.

Normal operating hours for deliveries are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time (ET), Monday through Friday, excluding most holidays, midterm/spring break, Thanksgiving break, winter break, weekends, and any other days when the College is considered closed for normal operations.

To coordinate delivery, please contact:

Tallahassee State College
Attn: Shipping & Receiving 
150 Merchants Row
Tallahassee, FL  32304

Contact Information

Dustin Frost

Director of Procurement and Auxiliary Services

(850) 201-8484


Nancy Simmons

Purchasing Specialist 

(850) 201-8513