College Procedures Manual


Associated College Procedures 
Policy Development  01-00AP 


Associated College Procedures 
Annual Salary Schedule 04-05 AP.pdf 
Recruitment, Eligibility, and Selection 04-08AP.pdf 
In Processing of New Employees 04-09AP.pdf 
Tuition Reimbursement Non-TSC Courses 04-14AP.pdf 
Outside Employment 04-17AP.pdf
Family and Medical Leave 04-40AP.pdf 
Essential Personnel 04-48AP.pdf
Faculty Recruitment and Selection 05-00AP.pdf
Teaching Load 05-09AP.pdf
Suspension Dismissal or Non-Renewal of Contract 05-16AP.pdf
Adjunct Instructor 05-18AP.pdf
Substitutes 05-19AP.pdf
Faculty Emeriti 05-21AP.pdf


Associated College Procedures 
Master Class Schedule 05-11AP.pdf 
Auditing Classes 08-10AP.pdf 
Admission 10-00AP.pdf 
Standards of Academic Progress 10-01AP.pdf
Dropping and Adding Courses 10-03AP.pdf
Withdrawal from College Courses 10-04AP.pdf
Intercollegiate Athletics 10-07AP.pdf | 10-07-2AP.pdf
Testing for Placement Services 10-21AP.pdf
Transfer of Academic Credit 10-22AP.pdf


Associated College Procedures 
Fund Drives and Ticket Sales  03-13AP.pdf 
Student Appeal for Change of Course Grade  08-04AP.pdf 
Student Organizations  10-06AP.pdf 
Student Complaints Appeals and Grade Disputes 10-08AP.pdf
Hazing 10-10AP.pdf
Academic Dishonesty 10-11AP.pdf
Disruptive Student Behavior Due to Medical or Psychological Reasons 10-14AP.pdf
Prior Violations Review for Admission to TSC 10-15AP.pdf
Student Fund Drives and Solicitations 10-16AP.pdf
Student Right of Privacy 10-18AP.pdf
Honors and Merit Recognition 10-19AP.pdf
Notification of Social Security Number 10-20AP.pdf


Associated College Procedures 
Student Activity and Service Fees  10-17AP.pdf 
Distance Learning Fee  10-24AP.pdf 


Associated College Procedures  
Scheduling Activities and Facilities  11-02AP.pdf | 11-02-2AP.pdf 
Property Records 09-10AP.pdf


Associated College Procedures  
Equal Access Equal Opportunity, Discrimination, Sexual Misconduct, and Unlawful Harassment  03-01-1AP | 03-01-2AP | 03-01-3AP 
Preservation and Disposal of Records  03-25AP.pdf 
Substantive Change  03-34AP.pdf 
Volunteers 04-42AP.pdf
Animals and Pets on Campus 11-05AP.pdf
Safety and Crime Prevention Programs 12-00AP.pdf
Controlled Substances and Alcoholic Beverages 12-03AP.pdf
Exposure Control Plan (Bloodborne Pathogens) 12-05AP.pdf