IT Support

IT Support via Zoom is available for one on one support.  We have support options for general support as well as specific areas.  We identified these areas to ensure we have the experts on hand to get you the answers you are looking for.  Simply pick a time that works for you to get the support you are looking for.

Avaya IX Workplace

Some employees may need to send and receive calls on their mobile devices using their campus phone number. Using the Avaya IX Workplace app on a mobile device, iPhone and Android users can receive and make calls that appear as your assigned TSC phone number.

Click here to schedule an online meeting for Avaya IX Workplace



Canvas is a cloud-based Learning Management System (LMS) that we use to support instruction. Canvas allows instructors to upload course content to a virtual classroom where they can distribute that content to students near and far. Canvas also allows instructors to facilitate instruction through a variety of tools that encourage student-to-student, student-to-instructor, and student-to-content interactions.

Click here to schedule an online meeting with LMS Support


Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a robust collaboration tool that we feel will be of great value to departments, divisions, and workgroups. It allows for the easy sharing of documents, collaboration on files, and easy communication via chat/audio/video.

Click here to schedule an online meeting for Microsoft Teams



It is recommended that you move any essential or important documents to OneDrive so that they are accessible to you wherever and whenever you need them.

Click here to schedule an online meeting for OneDrive


Meeting Owl Camera Reservation

Designed the help teams be more productive, the Meeting Owl camera is a 360° smart video conferencing camera. It automatically highlights and shifts focus to different people in the room when they speak, so you know what’s happening as if you’re there.  IT has a limited supply of cameras available to the campus. 

Click here to schedule a reservation to use the Meeting Owl in your next meeting


VPN and Connecting to the S:\ Drive

Accessing the TSC S drive requires the use of a special application called VPN (virtual private network) client. 

Click here to schedule an online meeting for VPN and Connecting to the S:/ Drive



Simplified video conferencing and messaging across any device available free of charge. A meeting is a Zoom event where one person hosts and all other participants have equal footing.

Click here to schedule an online meeting for Zoom