Assessment of Institutional Effectiveness

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness supports faculty and staff by performs the following functions related to assessment:

  • Provides support in the design and monitoring of continuous improvement of student achievement initiatives
  • Supports student success strategies related student achievement and initiatives aligned with College's Strategic Plan goals, Achieving the Dream AACC pathways, and other national or state success initiatives
  • Monitors the effectiveness of academic programs and support services by conducting program reviews
  • Provide programs with a range of reports to help them measure progress in achieving their outcomes
  • Provides methodology support and analyzes assessment data for student learning outcome assessment
  • Assesses QEP learning outcomes and impact
  • Conducts assessment and learning workshops for faculty and staff

Please find the links below to the most commonly utilized faculty resources related to the A.C.E. assessment process on campus.


As the type of data and form of submission varies depending on the type of program scheduled for assessment, please consult with your Faculty Lead or Chair to confirm the process for your particular course. Please also note that you will need to have TSC Credentials in order to engage with the resources listed.

Most faculty resources can also be found on the following page:

Assessment and Accreditation

Resources Portal

Below you will find the links to the Assessment Portals used to document the assessment process for all programs on campus. Here, assessment leadership can review progress, upload documents, and understand the assessment and accreditation responsibilities outlined for each semester in more depth. Meant to be for assessment leaders of each Division, discipline, or area on campus, please note that if you are not a designated Faculty Lead or Assessment Coordinator, will need permission from your Chair or Dean to access your respective Assessment Portal. Please consult with your assessment leadership to determine level of access required. If you are looking for the submission portals, please see the Faculty Resources section.