
All information provided on the official Tallahassee State College Web site is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute a legal contract between the College and any person or entity unless otherwise specified. Information on the official College Web site is subject to change without prior notice.

Legal Notices

Other Important Information

 A Message From the President

Faculty, staff, students, and vendors,

This statement is to reiterate Tallahassee State College’s commitment to not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, genetic information, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, disability or age in programs or activities. TSC prohibits discrimination, including disability discrimination and disability-based harassment. Students, employees or third parties who believe they have been subjected to disability-based harassment should report the incident to the College. TSC will conduct a prompt and equitable investigation, and immediately and appropriately address any violation of the College’s policies.

Complaints of discrimination, sexual misconduct, or unlawful harassment involving applicants, faculty/staff, students, vendors or guests should be filed directly with the College’s Equity Officer/Title IX Coordinator at (850) 201-6074, or, or mailed to:

Tallahassee State College
Attn: Renae Tolson, Equity Officer & Title IX Coordinator
Room 239 Administration Building
444 Appleyard Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32304-2895

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the College has designated an ADA coordinator. The coordinator oversees and coordinates the College’s efforts to carry out its responsibilities pertaining to ADA and serves as the contact person for all ADA inquiries and information about policies, procedures and concerns. For student disability services please contact the Student Accessibility Services office at (850) 201-8430 or For all employee and visitor accommodations please contact Human Resources at (850)-201-8510.

TSC prohibits retaliation against anyone who reports an incident of alleged harassment or other misconduct, or anyone who provides testimony, assists or participates in a proceeding, investigation or hearing relating to these allegations. TSC will take interim steps to protect the reporting party involved while the case is pending. Depending on the case and the reporting party’s wishes, these steps may include, but are not limited to, class changes, no contact orders between parties, and providing escorts while on campus.

TSC will take prompt and effective steps to end the disability-based harassment; eliminate the hostile environment; prevent its recurrence; and, as appropriate, remedy its effects. After completion of a prompt and equitable investigation, students and employees found to have engaged in acts of disability-based harassment will be disciplined.