A Message from President Jim Murdaugh
A college is more than a collection of buildings or an online presence. A college is a community—a group of people with the same goal: to learn and to prepare for the future. And a great college is more than just a destination—it is a partner in the success of each student.
At Tallahassee State College, we take a very active approach to student success.
That means helping students set realistic academic and career goals and follow the path that will lead them to their goals.
It means connecting students with support services that will help them complete the courses and programs they have chosen.
It means offering programs that take students to the next level--admission to a college or university, employment in a rewarding career or the achievement of personal goals.
It means preparing students for the jobs of tomorrow.
It means measuring signs of success such as course and program completion, admission to a four-year institution, and employment.
It also means investing in people, programs, facilities and technologies that help students succeed.
Every success by a TSC student strengthens our community. In fact, there is a high probability that your life, at some point, will be impacted by an individual who once studied and trained at TSC. From a first responder and healthcare provider to a teacher or engineer, TSC graduates are leaving their mark on our community.
We are proud to be a part of that success.
- Jim Murdaugh, President