Sustainable TSC

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What is sustainability?

Depending on who you ask, sustainability has a lot of different definitions—but a common thread through the different definitions is the idea that our actions must preserve and not destroy the natural resources we draw upon to meet our needs. Sustainability seeks to ensure that future generations will be able to continue to use those resources—the water, energy, food and natural materials we depend upon

Why should you care about sustainability?  

Sustainability is good for your health, good for the environment and can save money in a variety of ways. Here are just a few examples: walking or biking instead of driving is good exercise, and reducing energy-use lessens pollution and improves the quality of air that we breathe, and it saves you money through lower utilities bills. Also, using resources intelligently and preserving our beautiful campus for future students to enjoy is the right and fair thing to do.

Sustainable Initiatives at TSC

Student Government

  • ​Recycling program
  • Habitat for Humanity – Volunteer Program
  • Expanded recycling partnership with faculty and staff
  • Community garden in partnership with the Damayan Foundation

Administration / Physical Plan

Educational Programs

  • Through the Wakulla Environmental Institute, TSC’s environmental science programs prepare students for careers that make a difference in the community. TSC’s programs qualify graduates to work in the technical areas of water quality, natural resource management and environmental monitoring.
  • ​Sustainability curriculum already being integrated into HSC 2122, Consumer Health
  • TSC is a partner in project that created an 18 hour College Credit Certificate - Alternative Energy Systems’ Specialist technician training program in Florida. 
  • Partner of the Southeast Solar Training Network
  • Member of Sustainability Education & Economic Development (SEED) – Association of American Community Colleges
  • TSC Presidential Commitment to SEED
  • Florida Green Academy located at TSC
  • Non-credit courses - Alternative Energy Training (solar and photovoltaic)
  • Non-credit green courses - Weatherization, Sustainable Building Practices, Environmental Management, Bio-fuel Training, etc.