Information For Faculty

The Learning Commons is dedicated to supporting faculty and enhancing student success. Collaborate with us to tailor our resources and services to meet the specific needs of your courses and vision.

Faculty Support

The Learning Commons offers a variety of programs designed to support faculty. 

Embedded Support

Learning Commons staff collaborates with faculty on tailoring class resources. Embedded support ensures that students learning experience is enhanced. Improving academic success within the classroom environment.

Class Visits

Enhance your classroom with a visit from a Learning Commons staff member:

  • Early Semester Orientation: Plan class visits early to introduce students to resources.

  • Follow-Up Visits: Optional additional visits can be scheduled to reinforce resource use.

Visits can include an introduction to:

  • General services of the Learning Commons

  • Specific resources include Math, Science, Success Coaching, English (writing, reading, grammar), and Technology.

Schedule a Class Visit


Do you have questions about how the Learning Commons can support your students? 

Meet with Director Sam DeZerga to explore collaboration opportunities and available resources.

Schedule a Consultation


Experience Our Space! Bring your classes for a tour of our facilities to explore available resources such as:

  • Computers and printers

  • Anatomy & Physiology (A&P) Lab

  • Honorlock Testing Room

  • Language Lab for Spanish courses

Schedule a Tour

Office Hours

Encourage deeper student engagement by hosting your office hours in the Learning Commons! Our space fosters a collaborative atmosphere conducive to learning and discussion. Use our resources to help students connect with tutors, success coaches, and specialists.

Benefits include Learning Commons access, increased student visits, and extended service availability.

E-mail the Learning Commons


Attend semester-specific workshops for core subjects designed with Learning Specialists, tutors, and faculty.

Success skill sessions also support students time management, test anxiety, and study skills.

E-mail the Learning Commons

Boot Camps

Learning Commons hosts 30-60 minute courses introductions and assignment previews for first-year courses.

After attending boot camp, students feel more confident and have higher success rates.

Learn About Boot Camp

Have an idea for a new boot camp? Email Director Sam DeZerga.

Syllabus Integration

Enhance Your Syllabus: Resources to include for students to access our support services.

Location: 444 Appleyard Drive, Building 30, 32304

Operating Hours:

  • Monday to Thursday: 7:30 AM - 7:30 PM
  • Friday: 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Services Offered:

  • Tutoring in various disciplines
  • Individual and group sessions
  • Technology assistance
  • Success Coaching
  • Honorlock testing facilities

Access Services:

Contact Information:

Division and Program Liaisons

Connect with Your Liaison. Liaisons support faculty by assisting between divisions and the Learning Commons. Your liaison is the go-to for collaboration and to address concerns.


Vera Mayes
Mathematics Specialist
(850) 201-8122


Greg Schaberg
Communications Specialist
(850) 201-8270


Dr. Jerrie Del Vecchio
Communications Specialist
(850) 201-7847

Social Sciences

Jamie Smith
Communications Specialist
(850) 201-7812

Looking for support with the Florida Civic Literacy Exam (FCLE)? Jamie Smith and Greg Schaberg can offer support!


Chris McDonald
Science Specialist
(850) 201-7805

College Success

Jessie Clayton (Technology)
Technology Specialist
(850) 201-8267

Jorlyse Dickens (Success Skills)
Success Coach
(850) 201-7837

Business Program

Jonathas Petit
Mathematics Specialist
(850) 201-8239

Education Program

Steph Austin
Communications Specialist
(850) 201-6651


Shekitta Allen
Communications Specialist
(850) 201-7813

Eagles Rise

John Salter
Mathematics Specialist
(850) 201-7803

Academic Recovery

Jorlyse Dickens
Success Coach
(850) 201-7837

Pathways to Persistence

Sam DeZerga
(850) 201-7810