Specialized Professional Development

Professional Development is vital in supporting faculty growth and success. Since faculty have different subjects and teaching styles, we give support that matches their needs. As a result, TLA has created the Personalized PD Path for faculty who have received administrative approval to do one of the following:

  • Present and/or attend an academic conference.
  • Participate in a TLA-sponsored/approved book club series.
  • Participate in any specific departmental professional development opportunities.

Personalized PD Path

In order to receive their 45-hour PD credit for the semester, faculty will do the following:

  1. Obtain administrative approval from their deans prior to selecting this path;
  2. Complete the Personalized PD Path Proposal online form;
  3. Attend the PD event;
  4. Work with your dean on the deliverable/end product. You can do a short talk, write about what you learned, share helpful resources, or give ideas for future class activities. Since each subject and PD event is different, this part will look different for every faculty member.  Please work with your dean on the deliverable/end product.

 Please note:  every faculty member utilizing this option must complete a deliverable/end product.   

Personalized PD Path Proposal

Contact Us

David Hoover
Director of Teaching, Learning, and Engagement
Teaching and Learning Academy
(850) 201-9810