RHO TAU Chapter
Phi Theta Kappa is a group that honors students for good grades, hard work, leadership, and dedication. Founded in 1918, it is the oldest and most respected honor society for two-year colleges, with about 3 million members in the U.S. and around the world.
Its goal is to honor good grades and help students grow through leadership, scholarships, friendships, and service.
Tallahassee State College is home to the Rho Tau Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa.
PTK meets every week on Wednesday at 4 p.m. The meeting location is shared through email with members every week.
Chapter Officers
Jephte Moise
Destinee Britto
VP of Communications and Fellowship
Musa Tumsah
VP of Treasury and Scholarship
Shaune Jessemay
VP of Membership and Secretary
Alex Blakney
VP of Leadership and Service
To be eligible for membership, a student must:
- currently enrolled at TSC
- Have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher
- Have completed at least 12 college-level credit hours toward a degree or certificate
- Adhere to the moral standards of the society
Membership in Phi Theta Kappa is by invitation only. Invitations are sent once every semester and contain the necessary registration information.
Once you are invited, Phi Theta Kappa is easy to join, has a lifetime membership, and a membership fee. Once you become a member, you keep your membership as long as your GPA meets the requirements. You may be as active in the organization as you like or have time for.
Membership Perks
New student members are formally welcomed with an Induction Ceremony by the Rho Tau Chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society at TSC.
Graduating Phi Theta Kappa members may wear the Golden Honor Stole, Tassel, Cords, and Key Medallion at their commencement. They can also add the Society’s Gold Seal to their TSC diploma and have their membership listed on their transcript.
As a PTK member you can serve one the committees listed below by signing up here.
Honors in Action
Chair - Aakanksha Pathak
Phi Theta Kappa's Honors in Action program helps students grow as scholars and leaders through hands-on projects. Students begin by researching a topic, setting goals, and creating a research question. They share what they learn and use it to build projects that support their communities. They build real-world skills, learn to work in teams, and make professional connections to help them succeed in college and after.
College Project
Chair - Yuvane Arjune
The Phi Theta Kappa College Project helps students grow as leaders while supporting their college’s mission. By planning and completing the project, students build personal, professional, and teamwork skills. They also build strong ties with college leaders and make a positive impact by working on projects that support school goals.
Hallmark Awards
Chair - Azure
The Hallmark Awards Program honors outstanding work in Phi Theta Kappa’s programs. It promotes excellence, fairness, and growth for members and chapters. Winners are celebrated each year at Catalyst, PTK’s national convention, for their strong support of PTK’s mission.
Chapter officers receive a $500 scholarship, and the ten most active members get a $250 TSC Foundation PTK scholarship each Fall and Spring.
Phi Theta Kappa members can get over $90 million in scholarships to many four-year colleges and universities. They can also apply for two-year college scholarships like the Pearson Scholarship, GEICO Pathway to Completion, and the Oberndorf Lifeline to Completion.
Learn more:
Active members in the Phi Theta Kappa chapters have an opportunity to travel to regional and national conferences including:
- Honors Institute (Florida)
- Leadership Institute (Florida)
- Regional Meetings (Florida)
- Catalyst (2024 Kansas)
And more...
More benefits can be found at: