2+2 Articulation System

Florida has a “2+2” articulation system. Students who earn an Associate in Arts degree from TSC or one of Florida’s other community colleges are guaranteed admission to one of the 12 state universities.*

  • Students who hold an A.A. degree from a Florida community college will be awarded at least 60 credit hours toward the bachelor’s degree, thus protecting the credits they earned during their freshman and sophomore years at the community college.
  • Community college students who transfer to a state university before earning an A.A. degree do not have all the guarantees provided by the articulation agreements and may be denied admission or lose credit when transferring. In most cases, students who transfer without an A.A. degree will have to meet freshman admission standards.

*Florida’s articulation agreement does not guarantee community college Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree holders admission to a particular university or to limited-access programs.

For more information, visit the Florida College System website.