Class Attendance, Withdrawal & Federal Return to Title IV Policy

Title IV financial aid includes the Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Federal Subsidized Loan, Federal Unsubsidized Loan and Federal PLUS Loan.


Class Attendance Requirements for Title IV Aid

Students who receive Title IV financial aid are expected to attend class. Students will receive financial aid based on their enrollment status as determined by their documented class attendance. Attendance will be taken and if you fail to appear on an instructor’s class attendance verification form, then you must work with the Financial Aid Office to verify attendance before receiving a financial aid distribution. Failure to attend class may result in revocation or reduction of your financial aid. If you decide you are not going to attend classes, then you must officially withdraw from the College. You should not assume your classes will be dropped automatically.


Withdrawal from Classes or Cancellation of Schedule

Students who withdraw or have their class schedule canceled after the regular drop/add period should consult with the Financial Aid Office, as they may incur a financial liability. Students who have their class schedule canceled (complete withdrawal with a full refund) will have their financial aid canceled and will be required to repay all funds received. If you withdraw you are required to do so through the Admissions and Records Office or online through Workday. You are not automatically withdrawn from classes.

If you want to cancel classes before the end of the drop/add period, then you are responsible for dropping all courses through Workday. Even if financial aid is not awarded at the time you make the cancellation decision, financial aid may be awarded before your classes are purged from the system. You should not assume classes will be dropped automatically.

Students receiving Bright Futures Scholarships (Florida Academic Scholars, Florida Medallion Scholars, Gold Seal Vocational Scholars and the Florida Gold Seal Cape Scholars) who drop/withdraw from one or more classes after the regular drop/add period are responsible for repaying the tuition and fees for the class(es) from which they withdraw. Florida statute allows the appeal of this repayment should you be able to present documented evidence of unusual and mitigating circumstances. Documentation must be from a credible third-party source such as a doctor, counselor, psychologist or minister. Bright Futures recipients should contact TSC’s Scholarship Coordinator for further instruction on filing an appeal for repayment

If I drop a course or withdraw, what will happen to my financial aid? Click here to watch a help video.


Federal Return to Title IV Policy

Title IV financial aid includes the Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Federal Subsidized, Federal Unsubsidized and Federal PLUS loans.

It is strongly recommended, before withdrawing from class(es), students who receive any type of Title IV financial aid funds meet with a Financial Aid staff member to determine if they will incur a financial liability if they withdraw from classes.

Students earn a portion of the Title IV financial aid they receive for each day they attend class, until more than 60% of the term is completed. At that point, the Federal government considers 100% of the aid to be earned. Students who withdraw from all classes before completing 60.5% of the term in which they are enrolled may be required to repay all or part of the Title IV financial aid they received. Students who fail to complete all classes within a term where Title IV federal student aid was received may also be required to repay all or part of the Title IV financial aid they received. The federal government does not allow a student to appeal a Title IV Repayment. If you owe the College funds due to a Title IV repayment, then you may be ineligible to re-enroll. If you owe a Title IV repayment, then you may also be ineligible for additional Title IV federal financial aid from any college.

Under the Federal Title IV Return of Funds Policy, the amount of aid received will be multiplied by the percentage of the term completed to determine the total aid earned. The total aid earned will be subtracted from the total aid awarded, resulting in the amount of unearned aid. The cost of tuition and fees must be returned to Title IV programs, and you will incur a financial obligation to the College. You must repay the College within 45 days of the day the school notifies you of the financial obligation. After 45 days, the account will be turned over to the U.S. Department of Education, and you will be required to make satisfactory payment arrangements with the U.S. government.