Tallahassee Civic Chorale

The Tallahassee Civic Chorale performs with FSU ChoraleEstablished in 1986, the Tallahassee Civic Chorale is a non-profit, non-auditioned mixed choir of approximately 55-75 singers. Since 1998, the Civic Chorale has been affiliated with the Tallahassee State College.

As TSC's college chorus, students may join at a reduced rate and have their participation reflected on their transcript. In addition, the Civic Chorale sponsors a music scholarship for TSC students.


The Chorale performs three major concerts during its season, with an eclectic mix of choral masterworks, musical theatre, spirituals, and contemporary choral selections.

All concerts are open and free of charge to TSC students, faculty, and staff, and for a nominal charge to the community.

Musical selections range from classical to modern composers, including Bach, Vivaldi, Mozart, Copeland, Vaughn Williams, and Andrew Lloyd Weber.

Weekly Practice

Practice for the Tallahassee Civic Chorale's Fall Concert, Snow Angels and Snowflakes

Every Tuesday | 7 - 9:45 p.m.