Exercise bikes lined up against a wall

Campus Recreation

Intramural Sports Survey What sports are you interested in?

Get Active at TSC

Experience sports, fitness, and community on TSC's campus. Join an intramural sports team and connect with new people. Casually try new sports and make lifelong friends. Check out the Lifetime Sports Complex Fitness Center. Attend an official sports game and support your fellow Eagles.

*Membership and participation in approved TSC student clubs, organizations, and academic teams is open to all currently enrolled students who have paid the Student Activity and Service Fee for the current semester in which the student is a member or requests to become a member of the student organization.

Lifetime Sports Complex Fitness Center

Keep a healthy balance between mental and physical wellness at TSC’s Lifetime Sports Complex. The 60,000 sq. ft. complex houses the Eagle Fitness Center and Recreation Gym. This state-of-the-art facility is free to all students, faculty, and staff with a valid TSC ID. Between cardio equipment, basketball courts, and dynamic group classes, we invite you to jump in. 

Note, the Fitness Facility is closed during holidays, spring break, and winter break. Hours are subject to change due to other activities held in the facility.

Rules and Regulations

General Conduct & Sportsmanship

  • No profanity or abusive/offensive language
  • Portable stereos and electronic devices permitted only with headphones
  • No animals are allowed, except for service animals
  • You must comply with the requests of fitness center personnel

Use of Facilities & TSC ID

All members must present a valid TSC ID to have access to the fitness center. The fitness center and equipment are used at your own risk. Consult LSC Fitness Instructor if you have any questions before using exercise equipment. TSC is not responsible for any injury that may occur to individuals participating in any exercise activity. 

Strength Training & Equipment Rules

  • Members cannot use chalk during their workouts.
  • No Olympic weightlifting.
  • Return all bars, weights, and dumbbells to their assigned spaces immediately after use.
  • Do not drop free weights on the floor or allow weights to crash or “clank” together.
  • Properly wipe down equipment when finished.

Proper Workout Attire and Personal Items

Please wear proper workout attire when using the fitness facilities. Athletic shoes shall be worn at all times. Failure to dress properly will result in a denial to work out.

A shirt must be worn at all times in the weight room, gym, and in the entire LS building.

We permit beverages in a capped bottle. Food is not permitted in the fitness facility. 

Locker Use

Locker rooms will not be accessible during this time. 

Injuries & Emergencies

Please immediately report any of the following safety issues to a Fitness Center Attendant or Campus Recreation Supervisor:

  • Damaged equipment or equipment malfunctions
  • Unsafe exercise, locker room, or bathroom conditions
  • Abusive, dangerous, offensive, or unsafe activities
  • Injuries of any sort


If a member fails to comply with the rules and/or the request of the attendant on duty, the member will be asked to leave for the remainder of the day and will be subject to the following procedures: 

  • Verbal Warning: Fitness center staff will ask members to comply with rules and regulations. The Campus Recreation Supervisor will file a report.
  • Written Warning: A second violation warrants a written warning issued by the Campus Recreation Supervisor.
  • Probation: After a third violation, the member will be placed on probationary status for the fitness center and recreation gym.
  • Restriction: Subsequent violations will lead to your membership being revoked for a minimum of one academic term or equivalent. Paid members will not receive a refund.

Eagle Fitness Center management reserves the right to immediately revoke the membership, use, or entrance into the Lifetime Sports Complex of any member who engages in severe disruptive behavior (e.g. harassment, threats, sexual offenses, verbal and/or physical abuse, or repeated offenses). The matter will also be reported to Campus Police, the Student Conduct (for students), Human Resources, and the immediate supervisor (for faculty/staff). 

Members of the fitness facility should report any misconduct or negligence of staff to the Campus Recreation and Sports Facility Manager (850) 201-9081 or LSC@tsc.fl.edu.


Flag Football registration opens on Sept 3 and closes on Sept 16 at 1 p.m. Flag Football first games will start on Sept 16 at FAMU Intramural Field.

Sign Up with IM Leagues

Intramural FAQ's

What sports are offered for individual or team sports?

See the semester schedule or contact the IM Supervisor Mark Cornett at (850) 201-8709 or Intramurals@tsc.fl.edu; cornettm@tsc.fl.edu

How do I sign up to participate in a sport?

Registration announcements are published on the TSC IM web page. To sign up for a sport come by the Intramural Office located in the Lifetime Sports Complex Rm. 106. Registration may also be done online for select sports at the TSC Intramural web page.

Captains must attend the mandatory captain's meeting for that particular sport. 

How can I join a team?

Participants who are not playing on a captain's team may sign up as free agents. Free Agents are individuals who are interested in intramural sports but do not have a team to play on. The Free Agent lists are located at the Intramural Office located in Lifetime Sports Complex Rm. 106. The Intramural Coordinator will form the free-agent teams for that particular sport. Free Agents will be notified by phone or email of their team. Free Agent teams will also be posted outside the Intramural Office.

Games are Monday through Thursday from 3:00-6:00. Leagues are divided into Monday/Wednesday League and Tuesday/Thursday League. Sign up with the league that best fits your schedule.

Does Tallahassee State College provide insurance if I get injured?

No, Tallahassee State College does not provide accident insurance coverage for injuries received by Intramural participants. Please make sure you are covered by your personal insurance.

What is the TSC IM Student ID policy?

Participants must bring their valid TSC student ID card to every game. In order for the card to be valid it must have the current semester and year sticker on the back. 

Where are game schedules posted?

Schedules are posted outside the Intramural Office located in the Lifetime Sports Complex Rm. 106.

More Info


Marion Jones

(850) 201-8091

Fitness Center Hours

Monday through Thursday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Closed on weekends


TSC Main Campus

The Lifetime Sports Complex is located on the west side of campus. See map details here.