College Ombuds

The College Ombuds provides confidential, impartial, independent, and informal assistance to students in addressing academic and nonacademic issues at the College that current processes and procedures have not resolved. The Ombuds is located in the Student Life Office, Student Union Room 185. For more information, call (850) 201-8987 or send an email to

The Ombuds may:

  • Answer questions
  • Help analyze the student’s situation
  • Help develop options for addressing the student’s situation/concern
  • Identify and explain current College policies and procedures
  • Listen to the student’s concerns and complaints
  • Refer the student to appropriate resources and/or arrange meetings

The Ombuds cannot:

  • Advocate for specific outcomes
  • Force any College office to change a decision
  • Make binding or administrative decisions
  • Make decisions for the student
  • Make, change, or set aside policies, procedures, rules, or regulations
  • Provide legal advice or represent students in a legal matter
  • Replace or circumvent existing channels 

Other Resources

Woman wearing a black dress and pearl necklace smiling


Dr. Jennifer Carr

Dean of Student Services

College Ombudsman