Students paying attention in class.

Facts and Figures: Student Achievement

Student Achievement

The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) Principles of Accreditation Standard 8.1 (Student Achievement) requires institutions to identify, evaluate, and publish goals and outcomes for student achievement appropriate to the institution's mission, the nature of the students it serves, and the kinds of programs offered. It also indicates that the institution should use multiple measures to document student success. Requirements for publication are further specified in the SACSCOC Policy on Institutional Obligations for Public Disclosure.

To establish thresholds and achievement goals, TSC examines success rates over the previous four years. The lowest rates of the previous four years are set as the thresholds. Goals are determined based on the previous year’s rate and the average rate of change. [Goal= Previous year’s rate + ((Maximum rate - Minimum rate) / (Number of years – 1))]. Previous performance, thresholds and achievement goals are identified in the tables below.

  • Threshold is defined as the minimum performance level above which a measure should be maintained.
  • Goal is defined as the target performance level that is established to meet or surpass.

Download the Student Achievement KPIs as a PDF below